Bridgette's Website

Hi there, let's see how this goes.

Check out my favorite video on the internet


There isn't enough time. Everything moves too quickly and doesn't leave you time to breathe. You make a plan, and then millions of people vote for a guy who throws a wrench the size of a bus into your plan. But you know what they say about making plans, don't do it.

Do you ever find yourself selling yourself short even when it's stuff like dreams and ambitions? You can't be a director or an animator, so you have to have hopes of being a great editor, even though you know it isn't something you'll ever do. You play it off as being realistic, but you just can't imagine a world where you are capable of anything impressive. You set minor goals that are still unachievable (unachieveable?) due to your general lack of follow-through and ambition.

I don't think I want to be nonbinary. I don't think that's what I am. I want to be a girl. I feel like a girl, maybe not the girliest girl in the world, but a tomboy or a slightly masc lesbian. But that means seeing beyond the easy, little goal that makes people less-uncomfortable, and we can imagine how I do with making people uncomfortable.

Stuff I'm interested in